
Control Panel Functions


Functions for interacting with the Alpha Anywhere Control Panel.

a5_controlpanel_activate Function

Activates the control panel.

a5_controlpanel_isvisible Function

Activates the control panel.

a5_controlpanel_toolbar2 Function

Returns the system toolbar for Control Panel

a5_cp2_types Function

Returns a list of dictionary types supported by the Control Panel

a5_cp_object_exists Function

Tests whether a Control Panel object name exists. Object can be in an external dictionary.

a5_cp_query_run Function

Executed when a user runs a query from the Control Panel

a5_is_cpobj_name_valid Function

Returns .t. if a Control Panel object name is valid (e.g. a form, browse, append etc.)

a5_op_name_short_to_long Function

Take a Control Panel object name and expands it to include the dictionary.

get_dictionary_for_obj Function

Returns the dictionary name where a Control Panel object is stored.